High School News

Thank You for Another Success Canned Food Drive

Posted on: December 15, 2017

Thank you for all of your contributions on this year's Annual Canned Food Drive.  The High School and Elementary School finished up today, while the Middle School is continuing their drive through next Wednesday.  However, with this first pick up being this morning, it was a prideful moment to watch as truck after truck caravanned out of the parking lot, all filled with contributions from students and staff.  

Great job well done Waynesville!!  #SpartanPride

truck filled with boxes
3 cans of food

HIGH SCHOOL AND ELEMENTARY LAST DAY!!!   Any food donations should be brought to the high school office.  The items are all being collected on Friday  morning so 3:00pm is the last opportunity to drop off those items. 

Thank you!!!

Community Canned Food Drive is going on now through December 14th!!  (nOTE:  Middle School continuing through Dec. 20th)  

For those of you with school aged children, you should send your donations with the student so that they may receive classroom credit for their building contest.  However, in the event that your just wish to make a donation to the cause, you may drop your donations off at the High School Office.   

This worthy cause helps ensure that families in our area do not go without a good meal this holiday season.