High School News

The Camp Creek Fires Hits Close to Home for One of Our Own

Posted on: November 16, 2018

David Vixie, Learning Outside of the Classroom

Wayne Local Family,

Last Friday, Waynesville high school science teacher Doug Vixie shared that his twin brother lived in Paradise where the fires were raging.  His brother, David Vixie, is an extraordinary educator at Paradise Adventist Academy in Paradise, California, where he and his educator wife, Karen, have lived since 1985.  Over the years, they have taught hundreds of students using their 10 acre home site, bringing the best study experiences to their students.  Unfortunately, the Camp Creek Fire has taken both their home, two barns, and everything on their 10 acre outdoor classroom.  They managed to escape with their animals, eight mules, and a wagon. 

Wayne Local community members are encouraged to extend letters of support and encouragement, which can be submitted to the school offices.  In addition, a GoFundMe account has been established to assist with buying hay for the mules and the rebuild that will be inevitable.  

The YOUTUBE video above gives you a better idea of the outside classroom that was lost in the fire. It also shows the kind of teacher Dave is and his dedication to teaching through real life experiences, very much like our own Mr. Doug Vixie.

The Waynesville Family can help make a positive difference.

Vixies’ “Camp Creek Fire” Fundraiser

man in a wagon with people and a horse