High School News

Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) FAQs

Posted on: August 6, 2020
split diagonal image with words and a spartan head

1. What is Virtual Learning Academy?

Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) is an online curriculum provider offering over 250 core and elective courses to students in grades K-12. VLA courses are aligned to Ohio's content standards, which are rooted in the National Academic Content Standards.

2. If I select VLA, am I committed to the whole school year? Students will agree to remote learning from home 1 (one) semester at a time.

Students will not be permitted to come in and out of remote learning. Students who are enrolled in VLA will have access to Wayne Local School tutors when they request assistance.

3. What is the cost of VLA?

There is a $50 charge to any Wayne Local School (WLS) student who chooses the VLA option.

4. Will there be live classes or only pre-recorded?

The VLA programming is a complete online platform, monitored and assisted by a teacher facilitator. There are no live classes. All curriculum elements are contained so that a student can progress through the course independently with assistance from a teacher communicating and facilitating on a regular basis.

5. Is the online option being taught by the same instructors as the in-building classes?

No. Wayne Local School teachers who are teaching in the school building will give face to face students their full attention. Remote learning teachers will act as online facilitators assisting each student as they progress through the VLA online curriculum.

6. What is the typical student-teacher ratio?

This depends on the class. The “teacher” is more a “grader” as the instruction is through the online curriculum. However, students may email a question to a teacher and they will receive an answer to help with an assignment.

7. Does VLA offer specials?

VLA students are offered online art and music classes beginning in Grade 6. There are no band or choir options. Check the VLA catalog (https://www.flipsnack.com/jcesc/course-catalog/fullview.html) for more information.

8. Will students have the opportunity to work with partner/small groups?

VLA is an independent online learning platform. There is no small group instruction.

9. How long per session and how many sessions per day are expected in VLA?

The VLA platform permits each student to work at their own pace. Students will need to complete approximately 2 to 5 hours’ worth of work per day, depending on grade level. Kindergarten students would have approximately 1 to 1.5 hours per day. The VLA platform monitors the length of time the student is logged in and working. A teacher will communicate with the student and parent related to a lack of progress. Students are able to work in VLA seven days a week.

10. If a parent selects VLA, can the student still participate in Wayne Local School extracurricular activities?

Yes, as long as the extracurricular activity is after school hours. Parents must provide transportation. Per OHSAA rules, students who are participating in interscholastic athletics must maintain five credits on their schedules (physical education does not count).

11. Will VLA provide technology for each student?

Yes, VLA students have the option to borrow a device from Wayne Local Schools if the student does not have a device. Parents must provide internet connectivity.

12. Will Honors/Advanced Placement (AP) courses be available in VLA?

VLA currently offers advanced classes and AP World History, Physics and Calculus AB. See the course listings (https://www.jcesc.k12.oh.us/Courses.aspx) WLS will try to match the VLA schedule to the one the student has for the 2020-2021 school. Another option is to consider an online College Credit Plus course at Sinclair College.

13. How will testing be administered and proctored to ensure integrity?

Course testing is administered within the on-line platform and teachers monitor the assessment. There are guardrails within the assessment that ensure integrity.

14. Will there be interaction with WLS teachers, virtual students and in-school peers?

VLA and in-school students are ALL Wayne Local School students, however interactions between the two groups during the school day will most likely not be possible. Extracurricular activities are open to all. Also, if picture day is held in school buildings, WLS will work to schedule a picture day for VLA students, too.

15. Is tutoring available?

Yes, students may send a request for tutoring, and this service will be provided remotely or in person, as arranged by the family and the WLS teacher.

16. If school closes due to illness, will students who have been attending school in person then be moved to VLA?

Our district departments are working very hard to make sure our students and staff can return to – and stay in – our buildings. However, we have tried to be clear with our students and staff that they do assume some risk when returning to school. In the event that someone tests positive for the virus, we will take our lead from the Warren County Health Department regarding protocols. Should a building be closed for an extended period, WLS will switch to an intermittent remote learning, a more robust remote learning version of what our students experienced this past spring. Any student who has been attending school in person will be using this model. Any student enrolled in Virtual Learning Academy will continue in VLA.

17. How will state assessments be administered for those students who are enrolled in VLA?

WLS will follow state guidance on these assessments.

18. Is VLA NCAA approved for students who are considering college athletics?

Not all courses are NCAA approved.

19. What is the parent responsibility for VLA?

Because VLA is a self-contained, self-paced curriculum, a parent's role will be different depending on a student's ability to work on their own. Parents will need to provide the basics for success, including internet connectivity, and also help monitor a student's progress.

20. Does Wayne Local Schools register students into classes?


21. Once I sign up for VLA, then what?

Procedures will be in place to schedule device pick-up (if needed), enrollment, fee payment, provide “how-to” on getting logged in for the first time and other information will be shared.

22. Can high school students still receive honors diplomas?

Yes, if they meet all honors diploma requirements.

23. Will VLA families still be included in all WLS communication?


24. Will second grade VLA students still be evaluated for giftedness?

Yes, as the Ohio Department of Education permits.

25. How do students and parents choose the right courses from the course catalog?

WLS guidance staff will try to match the schedule to the one the student has selected. Some substitutions will have to occur as electives are limited.

26. Can work be completed on the weekends?

Are teachers available after hours or on weekends to answer questions? Students are able to work within VLA seven days per week. Teachers will not be available on weekends. VLA teachers will have their days and hours posted/communicated to VLA students.

27. How much assistance will students have with technology?

Wayne Local School staff will be available to VLA students to troubleshoot device concerns.

28. If a student uses VLA first semester and in-person second semester, will topics covered matchup?

VLA use the same Ohio content standards, however the pacing of the material will be different than in-person learning.

29. How will VLA operate with a student on an IEP?

As always, Wayne Local Schools will implement the IEP. If a parent selects VLA, services will be implemented virtually.

30. How is gifted programming going to be handled in person and on VLA?

Gifted services are provided for students in grades 3-12. If a parent choses VLA, gifted services will be provided virtually.

31. If a family chooses to participate in online learning the first semester but then chooses to attend in-person second semester, will a gifted child be placed in gifted classes?

Yes, Wayne Local Schools will serve students in grades 3-12 when they return to in-person instruction.


Virtual Learning Academy FAQs - DOWNLOAD HERE

* More information on the Wayne Local Responsible Restart Plan can be found under the RESOURCES tab, or by clicking the link  - Click here to be redirected


To gain a better idea of Wayne Local School District’s Option 2, please log into the Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) demonstration site.  



To view the role of a student, use the following information:

User ID:  WayneLocal

Password:  D5001


To view the role of a parent/guardian, use the following information:

User ID:  P96341

Password:  P6531


There are three courses loaded on this demonstration account.  

·         One elementary course (English 120)

·         One middle school course (Science 180)

·         One high school course (Personal Finance).  


For more information, please visit the YouTube Channel linked below for tutorial videos.  
