High School News

WLS is Excited to Announce a New Chapter

Posted on: August 5, 2017
palette of construction bricks


Waynesville, Ohio – August 2017: Over the course of the 2016/17 school year, Wayne Local Schools embarked on an evaluation of our district facilities. The process included a physical assessment determining what physical assets are in need of repair or replacement. The district also selected LWC, Inc. of Dayton to assist with an educational assessment to determine how our facilities support the educational focus of the district. Additionally the Board of Education and Administration did a financial assessment to establish priorities and associated costs.

The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) guides capital projects for state agencies, state supported universities and community colleges, as well as Ohio’s comprehensive public k-12 school construction plan. Working with OFCC and LWC has allowed us to determine how we can improve our physical assets and advance our focus on learning, all the while keeping an eye on fiscal responsibility. Much needed input was received through community forums and meetings with community members. All this valuable input was incorporated into the planning submitted to OFCC. OFCC supports our plans and recently Wayne Local Schools Board of Education voted to enter into a Notice of Conditional Agreement with OFCC to embark on a co-funded construction project featuring a new PK-6 school.

The WLS and OFCC partnership allows our community to secure state money to assist with the construction costs of a new school building. The state will contribute 21% of construction costs if our district raises the remaining 79%. Residents of Wayne Local Schools will have the opportunity to vote on a bond issue on November 7, 2017 to fund our share (79%) for the new PK-6 school. Additionally Wayne Local Schools will strategically add some components to the bond issue that OFCC will not co-fund.

In order to meet deadlines, Wayne Local Schools Board of Education has changed the August board meeting from August 14 to August 7, 2017 in order to approve very specific ballot language.

At Waynesville “we’re small enough to really know our students; that gives them big opportunities.” This bond issue and partnership with OFCC is a very “big opportunity” for our students, staff and community. It’s also an opportunity we likely will not see again. In the future, the state’s funding share will decrease or completely go away. Our elementary building has been a source of pride and served our community well for multiple generations. An updated, modern designed elementary building will continue the tradition and provide tremendous opportunities for this and future generations.

We are excited about the possibilities and look forward to this new chapter in our school district. We will be sharing many details and specifics regarding the bond issue and the overall facility process in the coming months. We invite you to come along on this journey; our ultimate goal is to provide the Wayne Local community with an excellent return on investment, both financially and academically.