Junior High School News

A Closer Look at COVID Data and our Cleaning Protocols

Posted on: November 18, 2020
person spraying a fog onto a kitchen counter

Posted:  11/18/2020

Ohio’s current COVID-19 case data is below:

    • 312,443 total cases
    • 22,846 hospitalizations
    • 5,772 confirmed deaths
    • 4,250 ICU admissions
Governor DeWine announced the release of a new holiday celebration guide from the Ohio Department of Health to help families celebrate safely during the 2020-2021 holiday season.  Wayne Local Schools believes our two remote learning days after Thanksgiving will decrease potential quarantines after the holiday.
Schools are required to report cases to their assigned Local Health Department who then report to the Ohio Department of Health. A report of COVID-19 should not be interpreted as an indicator that a school district or school isn’t following proper procedures—school cases can be a reflection of the overall situation in the broader community.
At Wayne Local Schools our contact tracing indicates that positive transmission of the virus is happening outside of our school setting.  
The Wayne Local School District custodial team has done an amazing job of treating the schools regularly with the Pure Hypochlorous mist for the most effective sanitizing. Click the link to review more details on this very effective and safe method of sanitizing.  Information on Pure Hypochlorous