Junior High School News

David Fornshell visits WMS

Posted on: August 24, 2016

Today, thanks to Prosecuting Attorney David Fornshell, our students learned about the dangers and consequences of impulsive decisions that may affect them long after the end of the school day. He spoke to them about making good choices in school and in life. However, the most impactful focus of the presentation was on what exactly happens when a young adolescent makes a really bad decision.  He warned students about the dangers of making school threats, sexting, using inappropriate apps, social media, and violence. The students were very  focused on his words and were astonished to realize that one bad decision really can have a dramatic effect on their lives. The consequences can include involvement with the police, juvenile detention facilities, courts, and attorneys.  We would like to thank David Fornshell for coming to Waynesville Middle School helping our students make good decisions.

We are SMALL enough to really know our students. That gives them BIG opportunities.