Junior High School News


Posted on: May 18, 2020
medal with musical notes

On Monday, May 11th, the Waynesville music department was supposed to have its Spring Concert, but that was not to be this year.  However, all band members were still given the opportunity to vote for our annual End of Year Awards through Google Classroom.  On the night of what should have been our concert, I presented the awards via Facebook Live.  The 2020 recipients of our band awards were:

6th Grade:
Best Woodwind – Ella Biscardi
Best Brass – Mason Stachler
Best Percussion – Madeline Kolaczkowski
Outstanding 6th Grade Musician – Kate Matt

7th Grade:
Best Woodwind – Bella Poteet
Best Brass – Baxter Hartsock
Best Percussion – Morgan Wenzler
Outstanding 7th Grade Musician – Baxter Hartsock

8th Grade:
Best Woodwind – Elizabeth Nichols
Best Brass – Gabe Wooldridge
Best Percussion – Makayla Bell
Outstanding 8th Grade Musician – Makayla Bell
The Director's Award for Band – Elizabeth Nichols

High School:
Outstanding Freshman Musician – Carson Shutts
Outstanding Sophomore Musician – Carter Roos
Outstanding Junior Musician – Alaina Spencer
Outstanding Senior Musician – Alex Hines
D.A.D. Award – Cooper Koch
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award – Jacob Prewitt
John Philip Sousa Award – Miles Emerson
Congratulations to these fine musicians, and I look forward to the day that we can make music together again!
Leslie Schleman
Band Director