Junior High School News

Exam Schedules

Posted on: December 9, 2019
white with black block letters

2019 Fall Middle School Exam Schedule - Semester 1

  • Wednesday, 12/18    ELA and Science
  • Thursday, 12/19   Math and Social Studies
  • Friday, 12/20  
    • Makeup Exams
      Dodgeball Tournament
      2-hour early release


2019 Fall High School Exam Schedule - Semester 1

Wednesday, Dec. 18    

  • Period 1   7:25-8:55AM
  • Period 2   9:05-10:35AM
  • Lunch 10:35-11:15
  • Period 3   11:20-12:50PM
  • Make-up & Intervention 12:50-2:30

Thursday, Dec. 19     

  • Period 4   7:25-8:55AM
  • Period 5   9:05-10:35AM
  • Lunch 10:35-11:15
  • Period 6   11:20-12:50PM
  • Make-up & Intervention 12:50-2:30

Friday, Dec. 20       

  • Period 7   7:25-8:55AM
  • Period 8   9:05-10:35AM
  • Lunch 10:35-11:15
  • Make-up & Intervention 11:20-12:30
  • Early Dismissal at 12:30PM

Additional Information:

  • With parent permission, students may leave after last exam for the day, not in between exams (once a student arrives to school, they must stay until last exam
  • If a student does not want to take more than 2 exams, please see the 3rd or 6 period teacher to move to another time or make-up exam /intervention period.
  • Students do not have to stay for lunch if they do not have a 3rd or 6th period exam.
  • Students do not have to stay for the intervention period unless they need help and have scheduled it with a teacher.
  • Student may work with an individual teacher to determine a time for a make-up exam.
  • Double blocked classes are only one of the two periods. The teacher may decide which period the exam will be given.
  • Students must stay the entire 1 1/2 hour exam period in the classroom.
  • If students stay for lunch and the afternoon, they must report to a study hall in the library until the buses arrive at 2:30PM on Wednesday & Thursday, 12:30PM on Friday.