Junior High School News

Message from Superintendent Pat Dubbs

Posted on: April 21, 2020
lined paper with a spartan head

April 21, 2020

Following Governor Mike DeWine’s announcement on Monday, April 20, 2020 to keep school buildings closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year, I wanted to share the following information with you.

First, we will continue remote learning through the end of this school year. We appreciate all of the work that has gone into developing, implementing and facilitating this program in our District. We know it has placed a heavy burden on all of you and we appreciate the support and dedication to helping provide the best educational opportunities possible to our students during this unprecedented time. We also understand every family situation is different. We encourage you to do what you can to keep students engaged, while putting the health and safety of your family first.

Second, to further support our students, families and staff, there will be no new assignments at any level given to students after May 8th. We have made this decision to allow students to successfully complete the school year. The next five days (May 11 – May 15) will allow students and staff to catch up, wrap up and clean up without new assignments. From May 18th through May 22nd, teachers will be finalizing grades and providing additional support as needed with parents and/or students.

At the Middle and High School levels, there will be no second semester exams. Students are expected to complete assignments during 4th quarter with Remote Learning Experience. The final grade will be calculated based on all four quarters and semester one exam (if taken). Any quarter that has an incomplete grade will have an incomplete final grade and the student will be responsible for missing work before obtaining a final grade in that subject. Also following the OHSAA eligibility guidelines, fourth quarter grades (not second semester or final grades) will be used to verify fall athletic eligibility. Student athletes will need to earn five (5) passing 4th quarter grades to be eligible for the 2020 fall season.

At the elementary level, students are expected to complete all assignments through Remote Learning Experience. Students who do not engage in Remote Learning Experience, or who do not show basic levels of understanding, will receive a mark of incomplete for 4th quarter. Our school teams will make every effort to support each student. If students are unable to engage in remote learning even with those supports from the school team, the school team will collaborate with students’ families to determine future steps for the student’s learning.

All buildings, fields, and athletic facilities will remain closed until further notice.

The athletic director will be in contact with coaches and/or athletes in regard to awards and varsity letters.

All summer workouts, camps, and trips are currently on hold until further notice.

Building principals will be sending out information detailing how students may retrieve personal belongings left in lockers or classrooms, as well as how to turn in textbooks and school property.

Lastly, we know the end of the school year typically includes many celebrations. The administrative staff is currently working to address alternative solutions or decisions based on executive orders or state guidelines. Please continue to follow social media, district website, and Good News Friday newsletter for updates. Also, we will periodically be sending out electronic notifications through our automated phone messaging system.

We know it continues to be a trying time for all of us. We appreciate your support and feedback as we continue to adjust and make plans to best serve our students, our families and our community. We hope you stay healthy and stay engaged as we finish out this historymaking school year.