Junior High School News

Middle School Open House

Posted on: August 17, 2016

Waynesville Middle School Open House   Thursday, August 18, 2016

         Students New to the District- 5:00-5:30

               Orientation starts at 5:00 p.m. in the Middle School Library

         Sixth Grade Orientation-5:30-6:30

                 5:30- Fill out Emergency Forms in Cafeteria and pick up schedule

                 5:45-Parent Meeting in the MS Gym

                 6:00-6:30-Meet the teachers, practice locker combinations, Google Docs in classrooms

         Seventh and Eighth Grade Orientation-7:00-8:00

                  7:00-Fill out Emergency Forms in Cafeteria and pick up schedule

                  7:15-Parent Meeting for Seventh and Eighth Grade Students in MS Gym

                  7:30-8:00-Meet the teachers and visit classrooms