Junior High School News

Spring Driving Safety Tips

Posted on: April 9, 2019
school bus with stop sign

According to the Federal Highway Administration, rain contributed to 46 percent of all weather-related crashes between 2005 to 2014, and wet pavement in general accounted for 73 percent. With this in mind, professional school transportation staff need to focus on new safety and awareness tips.

Driving preparedness:

  • Slow down, drive carefully and increase your stopping distance when it's raining.
  • Don’t underestimate the depth of water on the roadway. If you cannot see the pavement, do not attempt to drive through the water. One foot of water will make some vehicles float. Two feet of water can sweep vehicles away, including SUVs and pickups. Even more dangerous is the fact that flooding conditions can undermine the roadbed and sweep portions of the pavement away.
  • Watch for bad road conditions. Winter weather produces potholes and other driving obstacles and remember puddles can hide potholes.
  • Be alert for hydroplaning (when tires lose contact with the road), which will cause your vehicle to feel like it is floating on water. If this occurs, remove pressure from the accelerator, avoid turning the wheel, and gradually slow down. To avoid hydroplaning, slow down, turn off cruise control, and avoid sudden braking and turns.
  • Spring brings bicycle riders out of hibernation. Cyclists in the roadway can make traffic maneuvers, such as right-hand turns more difficult and dangerous.
  • Beware of reduced stopping ability when pavement is wet or has standing water.  Anticipate traffic being unable to stop for student pick-ups or drop-offs.
  • Rain on mirrors can reduce image quality, and rain gear can reduce students’ ability to see, so use extra caution at bus stops. Remember safety is the priority-the schedule is not.