Junior High School News


Posted on: November 7, 2017

Congratulations to the Spartan Marching Band on earning an EXCELLENT (II) Ratingat OMEA State Marching Band Finals on Sunday! 

 We are so proud of your accomplishments this year!

marching band



The Waynesville High School Spartan Marching Band set a goal at the beginning of their season to qualify for State, and have worked hard for the past four months pursuing that goal.  On Saturday, October 21st at Tecumseh High School, the band was met with sunny skies and warm temperatures to compete at their last local contest, and performed a fantastic show, earning a Superior rating and qualifying to perform at the OMEA Marching Band State Finals!  This is the second time the Marching Band has earned the top rating to advance!  Their performance time for State Finals is on Sunday, November 5th at 1:30pm, at Welcome Stadium in Dayton.  We hope to see a large crowd to support our fine musicians and color guard members one last time this season!

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WHS Marching Band Qualifies for State!


Congratulations, Spartan Marching Band!

The Spartan Marching Band qualified for OMEA State Marching Band Finals by earning a Superior rating at Tecumseh on Saturday.

They will be performing on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5th at 1:30pm at Welcome Stadium in Dayton!  Please come out and support our Marching Spartans!