New Construction News

Blog Entries - 2019

construction site

The Footers are Poured

Posted on: December 2, 2019

Dec. 2, 2019 The concrete footings that will ultimately hold up your gymnasium, stage, dining area, kitchen, boiler room, mechanical mezzanine, art & music rooms are now complete.  Construction has now moved into Unit “C” with

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Would You Like to Know?

Posted on: October 28, 2019

Would you like to be in-the-know for what's happening during the phases of construction? Did you know that Wayne Local has a Construction Tab on the homepage of the school website?  Under this tab, you'll find periodic detailed updates in the

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bull dozer and dump truck

Preparing the Base

Posted on: October 24, 2019

On the construction site, we have recently seen much soil movement as the bulldozers prepare the base where the new school will be built.  The equipment seems to be in constant motion preparing for something bigger!  What you can't see with these

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bull dozer and a pile of rubble

Ground Breaking is Officially Underway

Posted on: September 27, 2019

Since the groundbreaking event last week, we have noticed the security fencing going up to surround the construction site.  Once these security measures were in place, we noticed more visible changes as bulldozers broke up the existing pavement this week

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table with hard hats and shovels

Ground-Breaking and Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies

Posted on: September 20, 2019

Waynesville Schools ushered in a new page of its history on Tuesday holding two ceremonies to celebrate the completion of Phase I and the beginning of Phase II of its three (3) phased master facilities plan.  The morning ceremony focused on our

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faced images of a buildings

You're Invited to a Ribbon Cutting and a Ground Breaking

Posted on: September 3, 2019

Please join us for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of our new transportation facility and the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the new PreK-Grade 6 Elementary School. Invitation Flyer Date:  Tuesday, September 17, 2019 **Rain Date:  September 23,

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drawing of a building with a clock tower

Wayne Local Schools Board of Education votes to accept Phase II Bid

Posted on: August 19, 2019

At its August monthly meeting, members of the Wayne Local Board of Education voted to award phase II of our construction project to Monarch Construction based in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Monarch is a general contractor specializing in the construction of

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dump truck filled with dirt

Asphalt and Landscaping Work Will Complete the Parking Lot

Posted on: August 1, 2019

There was a lot of energy and movement around the back area of the school this week as asphalt trucks laid the first layer of asphalt.  Landscaping crews work to fill in the islands in preparation for the final layer of asphalt.  Additionally, rake trim was added to the barn along edges of the roof.  

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bus barn with a white fuel tank

The Bus Barn Gets a Fuel Tank

Posted on: July 22, 2019

In addition to the old bus barn demolition and clean up, the school grounds have seen some finishing touches going on around the new bus barn.  Most recently, new sidewalks form the directional flow of traffic in the back parking lot area.  A new fuel tank has been installed as well to the right of the new bus barn.  

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bus barn demolition

The Old Bus Barn is a Thing of the Past

Posted on: June 20, 2019

Over the last few weeks since school has been out, we have been able to remove the old bus barn.  This is necessary because it stood in the location where the new elementary school building will be built.   This is excited to continue seeing

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garage door on a pole barn

Garage Doors Complete the Entryways

Posted on: May 24, 2019

The exterior garage doors for the bus barn were installed this week.  Additionally, the interior work continues as office, restroom, and storage spaces are laid out and framed.  We are expecting phase 1 of the construction project to be completed near the beginning of August.  

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concrete being smoothed

Sidewalk Before and After

Posted on: May 16, 2019

It's always interesting to see before and after shots of a project.  While we plan to post the pictures when the bus barn is complete, we can see major steps along the way in the progress as finishing touches become complete.  Below you will see a

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aerial shot of a new constuction

Aerial Images of the School's Property

Posted on: May 15, 2019

Thanks to the world of technology and the help of a local resident, parent, and community member, Jeremy Foley, we have been able to capture aerial shots of the barn construction zone.  Along with these images, there are overal school building pictures

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new building progress

The Bus Barn Interior Work Begins

Posted on: May 1, 2019

Not only do we now have a roof on the new bus barn, but we also seeing interior work beginning.  

Also, traffic blockers/entrance protection barriers have been installed at the entrances of the building.  

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new siding on a building

Several Pieces Working at Once

Posted on: April 4, 2019

This week at the construction site, we've seen several areas of progress that we want to share with you.  First, the siding has begun on the bus barn itself, along with furlim cross supports along the roof beams. There is also a trench that extends

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stack of bricks

Masonry Work Along the Base of the New Barn

Posted on: March 29, 2019

While we were on Spring Break, construction continued and this week we saw a new group enter the scene...the masons.  Their expert masonry work has given a different look to the new structure as brick form the bottom half of the walls.   We've

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roof beams of a construction

We Have Roof Beams!

Posted on: March 13, 2019

This week on the construction site of the new bus barn, we've seen the addition of roof beams with the use of equipment lifts.  

There's also been a fair amount of ground movement and things have gotten quite muddy in the surrounding areas.  



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vertical beams of a new building

The New Structure Takes a Vertical Jump

Posted on: March 7, 2019

The new bus barn is getting easier to envision as we saw a few more changes this week. 

Vertical structure supports are put into place which will frame the new building.   

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The Concrete Has Arrived

Posted on: March 1, 2019

As promised and right on time, the concrete trucks and concrete pump were busy pouring the foundation of the new bus barn today.   Once the concrete has set up, they will be covering the new floor with blankets to prevent freezing. The schedule

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foundation of a new building

Prepping the Foundation

Posted on: February 28, 2019

From a distance, it looks like a pool of blue, but once up close, you see that the foundation is being prepped this week for a concrete pour on Friday.   The blue plastic sheets cover the sub-foundation, followed by mesh supports, and finally,

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barn foundation

Electrical and Plumbing Foundation Work Begins

Posted on: February 22, 2019

Now that the footers have been poured and set, the next step is to lay the foundations for Electrical and Plumbing.  The contractors will revisit both electrical and plumbing several times before the project is complete because both pieces require

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drill bits

Continued Soil Sampling

Posted on: February 21, 2019

Today, we saw some new equipment on the school property as a geotechnical engineering team continued pre-structural soil sampling.


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constuction materials

Construction Materials are Delivered

Posted on: February 6, 2019

Update:  2-5-2019 Despite uncooperating weather these last few weeks, the footers have been poured for the new bus barn. The constuction materials have also been delivered and are currently lining the back parking lot right next to the construction

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pipes and bricks

The Bus Barn Begins

Posted on: January 14, 2019

Update:  1-11-2019 In construction terms, there are three "Fs" that happen at the beginning of a new building; footings, foundation, and framing.  Recently, you'll notice that pipes and bricks have been delivered in the back of the school

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