New Construction News

Blog Entries - March 2019

stack of bricks

Masonry Work Along the Base of the New Barn

Posted on: March 29, 2019

While we were on Spring Break, construction continued and this week we saw a new group enter the scene...the masons.  Their expert masonry work has given a different look to the new structure as brick form the bottom half of the walls.   We've

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roof beams of a construction

We Have Roof Beams!

Posted on: March 13, 2019

This week on the construction site of the new bus barn, we've seen the addition of roof beams with the use of equipment lifts.  

There's also been a fair amount of ground movement and things have gotten quite muddy in the surrounding areas.  



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vertical beams of a new building

The New Structure Takes a Vertical Jump

Posted on: March 7, 2019

The new bus barn is getting easier to envision as we saw a few more changes this week. 

Vertical structure supports are put into place which will frame the new building.   

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The Concrete Has Arrived

Posted on: March 1, 2019

As promised and right on time, the concrete trucks and concrete pump were busy pouring the foundation of the new bus barn today.   Once the concrete has set up, they will be covering the new floor with blankets to prevent freezing. The schedule

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