New Construction News

Blog Entries - August 2019

drawing of a building with a clock tower

Wayne Local Schools Board of Education votes to accept Phase II Bid

Posted on: August 19, 2019

At its August monthly meeting, members of the Wayne Local Board of Education voted to award phase II of our construction project to Monarch Construction based in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Monarch is a general contractor specializing in the construction of

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dump truck filled with dirt

Asphalt and Landscaping Work Will Complete the Parking Lot

Posted on: August 1, 2019

There was a lot of energy and movement around the back area of the school this week as asphalt trucks laid the first layer of asphalt.  Landscaping crews work to fill in the islands in preparation for the final layer of asphalt.  Additionally, rake trim was added to the barn along edges of the roof.  

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