
Educational Resources


Webliography for 8th Grade Revolutionary War Project
Fruits and Veggies

Most Popular Educational Resources

Dr. Math - Tutoring site that allows students to email questions and get responses
Merriam Webster - The most comprehensive dictionary on the internet
Test Taking Survival Tips - Good tips and tricks for acing exams
Kid's Click - Search Engine for young students
Encyclopedia for Kids - Free Encyclopedia for reference
Word Whiz - Helps students build vocabulary and study skills - Parent Teacher Association Webpage

Great Schools.Org - A middle school parents' preparation for college guide
Health Insurance Online - A database of health information for kids and adults
Middle School Web Resources - Valuable information for both parents and teachers
US Dept. of Education - search for student aid resources by state
Dayton Metro Library (DLM) Internet Connectivity

For Minority, Low-Income, First Generation Students - United Negro College Fund - American Indian Higher Education Consortium - Department of Education/Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs


Fun Educational Games

Free Rice - Quiz game where correct answers help raise money for global hunger
View the Earth from Space - View Earth from the Sun, the Moon or from any of a host of satellites in orbit.
Be an A+ Math Ace - Math games based on bingo and hidden pictures, and a variety of flash cards.