Waynesville High School

image of a student learning on the job

Waynesville High School partners with area businesses in a way that allows experiential, hands-on learning as part of the high school program.  Students are paired with these businesses in a way that allows hands-on learning in their field of interest, while still attending high school.  Through this program, students can engage active/situational learning through an internship or job shadow experience, which enhances the state expectations of the standards subjects of math, science, language arts, and history.  The end result is a diploma with job experience behind it, and increased job knowledge and awareness, and ultimately, increasesd employability for our graduates.   


Mrs. Katie Rogers
Family & Consumer Sciences
Experiential Learning Co-Coordinator
Waynesville High School



Thank you to our partners for these opportunities to help our students develop and grow with your support of our Experiential Learning Program at Waynesville High School. 

If you are interested in partnering with WHS in the Experiential Learning Program, please contact krogers@wayne-local.com

Informational Flyer on the Experiential Learning Program

#positivethinking @Waynesville, Ohio 

2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR

experiential learning

Students in Experiential Learning at the high school presented their final pitches to judges on Monday December 5th.  The students created product concepts and partnered with Sinclair Community College to research business creation.  They were responsible for the design, cost, marketing, partnerships, and distribution of the conceptual product they created.  Over the course of a semester, the students worked to enhance their idea and gain a better understanding of entrepreneurship in the business world.  The final portion of the project is to present their idea to a group of judges with a format similar to the popular television show Shark Tank.   The judges asked questions about the product and gave feedback to each group in the class.  We are proud of the efforts of the students and the growth they have shown throughout the semester.  The students involved in the class, include Blaise Sizer, Phil Stevens, Justin Potter, Kyleigh Smith, Logan Dotson, Kaden Christensen, and Gabe Foley.  The class would like to send a special thank you to Dr. Jim Byers, Dr. Sam Ison, Mrs. Karyn Denslow for serving as the judges for their presentations. 

2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR

three students

Kettering Health Miamisburg

Three Waynesville High School students: Erin Offenberger, Audrey Conley, and Emma Whitaker attended volunteer orientation at Kettering Health Miamisburg.  After completing the volunteer requirements, these students will be job shadowing in 12 different departments in the hospital.
We are thankful for this partnership with Kettering Health Network and for this fantastic opportunity for our students. 
Maddie Beuchat

Waynesville Pharmacy

Senior Maddie Beuchat job shadows at Waynesville Pharmacy as part of her Experiential Learning class. Maddie is planning to pursue a degree in Pharmacy, while attending Ohio Northern, Findlay, UC or Butler. We know she will be successful where ever she goes.

Thank you, Waynesville Pharmacy, for your participation in our program. 

savannah amburgy

Atrium Medical Center

Senior Savannah Amburgy had the opportunity to job shadow at Atrium Medical Center. As part of our Experiential Learning program, she was able to follow two nurses in the Cardio Thoracic Unit. Savanah is hoping to pursue a degree in science and continue onto medical school. We are thankful for the opportunity Atrium gave us to have her shadow nurses in various units. This is a great opportunity for our students to see what it is like in the work force, and really decide if they want to continue on the path they have researched.  

Bella Cassoni

United Way Warren County

Senior Isabella (Bella) Cassoni has been interning at Warren County United Way (WCUW). She is interning with the Public Affairs Department, working on various publications for the company.  Bella has attended school board meetings and has contacted schools to promote the Work Force Initiative program in our county. WCUW is very impressed with Isabella's professionalism and all her hard work!  Isabella is planning to attend Wright State University after graduation. She hopes to pursue a degree in business, and then attend law school. 
Check out a sample of Isabella's writing and work highlighting the United Way Workforce Development Initiative: 

The Workforce Development Initiative and Career Quest program are two incredible opportunities that are offered to schools located in Warren County, by the non-profit organization: United Way. Both programs are very similar in the sense that they help young adults to find their best fit career path, in a way that would not be considered a typical opportunity for a high school student. The Workforce Development Initiative is a year-long program that is offered to current high school students and recent high school or college graduates. The program gives these students access to low or non-cost training and/or education options. It also helps these young adults to get associated with potential employers. The program, Career Quest, focuses on helping 12th grade students that are not decided on their upcoming future, after high school. The program helps these students to unearth possible career pathways, while also providing monthly career coaching and bi-weekly training on career readiness concepts. 

2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

boy at a computer

Buckingham Financial

Senior Jordan Combs internships at Buckingham Financial. Jordan is interested in pursuing a degree from BGSU in finance or accounting.

Thank you Buckingham Financial for allowing Jordan to intern with you.

students learning together

Waynesville Elementary School

Seniors Jenna Turner and Brielle Mahoney job shadow at Waynesville Elementary School. Both Jenna and Brielle are interested in education after graduation. 

Brielle interned at Caeser's Creek Animal Clinic in the fall and decided to give education a try this Spring. We think she has found her passion, working with kids!  Brielle hopes to attend BGSU next fall and major in middle childhood education with an emphasis in math. 

Jenna joined our program after winter break. She decided to take her passion of working with kids to the next level. Jenna is deciding between early childhood education and speech pathology. We think both would be a great fit for her. Jenna plans to attend a 4-year college or university after graduation. She is still deciding on which college she will attend. The future is bright for both of these young ladies! 

girl wearing a mask in front of a blue door

Waynesville Elementary School

Experiential Learning Senior Avery Moore, interns at Waynesville Elementary school with Mrs. Pendergraff.  Avery is loving her experience with the 3rd grade class.  Avery is planning to continue her education at a local college and major is education. She will make a great teacher one day! 

two men smiling in a doctor office

Orion Physical Therapy

Experiential Learning senior Trevor Camp interns at Orion Physical Therapy. Trevor gets to see the day to day operations of a physical therapist and a PT assistant. Our internship program is committed to work-based learning opportunities to gain experiences designed to provide students with real-world learning through partnerships with local business and industry. These learning activities help a young person explore careers and choose an appropriate career path.

Trevor is hoping to pursue a degree in either Physical Therapy or nursing with hopes of becoming a Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant. 

young man with hard hat and safety tshirt

Reliable Electric

Experiential Learning senior Seth Bloom works for Reliable Electric on the new Waynesville Elementary School. Seth is a part of a 4 man electric crew that is helping prepare and install the electric components of our new school. Seth hopes to continue to work in the electric industry after graduation. 

Thank you Reliable Electric for partnering with us and Congrats Seth on a fantastic opportunity!

photo collage of a kid at a desk

Wayne Local School - District Office

Experiential Learning senior Eli Click interns with Ron James, in the school finance office. Within our program, we are committed to providing work-based learning opportunities that gain experiences designed to provide students with real-world learning through partnerships with local business and industry. These learning activities help a young person explore careers and choose an appropriate career path. Eli is planning on attending college majoring in finance.

two boys in front of a work trailer

Granger Construction Company

Seniors Paul Dotson and Colin Amato job shadow at Granger Construction. In this one day experience these students will be exposed to all aspects of the construction field. Granger Construction is currently building the new Warren County Jail.

two young men smiing for a photo

Experiential Learning seniors, Liam Harper and Caleb Lamb also had an opportunity to job shadow Granger Construction at the new Warren County jail site. Both Liam and Caleb are interested in the trades and are exploring options for their future. In our class, we are committed to providing work-based learning opportunities to gain experiences designed to provide students with real-world learning through partnerships with local business and industry. These learning activities help a young person explore careers and choose an appropriate career path.

If you are interested in a one day job shadowing experience please contact Katie Rogers at krogers@wayne-local.com

boy at a computer with thumbs up

Waynesville High School

Senior Joey Phillips is part of the Experiential Learning program as an intern with Dr. Ison at WHS. Joey gets to observe and get hands on experience with what an educational leadership position holds and entails on a day to day basis. Joey hopes to attend BGSU majoring in secondary education. Joey will be a great addition to any school in a few years. 



boy with a bucket of ice

Stone House Tavern

Senior Caleb Lamb works at Stone House as part of our Experiential Learning program. This program is committed to work-based learning opportunities to gain experiences designed to provide students with real-world learning through partnerships with local business and industry. Caleb will also have the opportunity to job shadow a corrections officer and interview a US Marshall. Caleb plans to attend college and major in Criminal Justice and is in the process of learning more about the Reserves as a possible option for his future.  His overall goal is to become a police officer someday. We can't wait to see where these opportunities take Caleb.

people working at animal hospital

L: Hannah Gill; R: Brielle Mahoney

Caesar Creek Animal Clinic

Experiential Learning Seniors Hannah Gill and Brielle Mahoney, intern at Caesar Creek Animal Clinic. Both students work with vet techs and doctors (veterinarians) to see all aspects of the veterinarian business. Our experiential Learning program is committed to work-based learning opportunities to gain experiences designed to provide students with real-world learning through partnerships with local business and industry. These learning activities help a young person explore careers and choose an appropriate career path.

Hannah plans on attending The Ohio State University and majoring in Zoology.

Brielle plans are still undecided, but she is leaning towards attending Sinclair College majoring in Vet Tech or education.

boy hoeing a field

The Golden Lamb Farm

Experiential Learning Senior Liam Harper, works at The Golden Lamb Farm, helping maintain and produce goods for the restaurant. Liam works 2-3 days a week as part of our work-based learning program. Liam will also participate in 4 One-Day job shadowing experiences while involved in the program. He will job shadow various careers fields he is interested in, including trades and professional careers. Liam plans on getting an apprentice in welding or another trade or attending Warren County Career Center Adult Education program.  As part of our program, he is learning the skills necessary to run a small business, and plan and prepare for the future of an established restaurant. We are thrilled Liam enjoys his time here and is learning so much. 

person standing behind a register

The Village Family Restaurant

Senior Kohl Todd is employed at The Family Village Restaurant in Waynesville . Kohl works in all roles within the busines and is a vital part of their workforce. Kohl is enrolled in the Experiential Learning program at WHS. This program is committed to work-based learning opportunities to gain experiences designed to provide students with real-world learning through partnerships with local business and industry. These learning activities help a young person explore careers and choose an appropriate career path. Thank you, The Family Village Restaurant, for your participation in our program. We look forward to a continue relationship with you.

person working on a riding mower

Miami Valley Power Equipment

Senior Kaden Harvey interns at Miami Valley Power Equipment in Corwin. Kaden is enrolled in the Experiential Learning program at WHS. This program is committed to work-based learning opportunities to gain experiences designed to provide students with real-world learning through partnerships with local business and industry. These learning activities help a young person explore careers and choose an appropriate career path.

Thank you, Miami Valley Power Equipment, for your participation in our program. We look forward to a continue relationship with you. 

2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR

person making pizza

Domino's Pizza

Experiential Learning senior, Cory LaBlanc is currently employed at Domino's.  He is working toward his management credentials, and is hoping to translate these skills into full time employment here or another location after graduation.  He is interested in business/management and is gaining valuable experience working for this company. 

young man wearing leather jacket

Human Relations Council of Dayton

Experiential Learning Senior Grant Henry has interned at multiple locations relating to pastoral studies. 

This semester Grant has had the opportunity to intern at the Human Relations Council of Dayton. Grant plans on attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, pursuing a bachelors/masters degree in Pastoral Studies. The future is bright for this young man! We can't wait to see where the world takes you! 

person grouting a tub surround

Under Construction, LLC

Experiential Learning Senior Kolton Frankenberg helps grout a shower at his internship at Under Construction LLC, a construction company in Waynesville.  Kolton learns skills in all areas of construction preparing him for a successful career in the industry.  Kolton plans to work full time and learn new skills after graduation, eventually pursuing a position in construction management.  He also plans to attend Sinclair and take classes toward his degree.  Kolton has a bright future ahead, and we are excited to see where this career path takes him. 

girl working on a poster

Designs Now

Experiential Learning Senior Riley Rice helps prepare yard signs at Designs Now, in Waynesville. 

Riley designs, prints, and prepares products at her internship. Riley is hoping to pursue a degree in Art from Franklin University. 

We are excited see where this passion take Riley!


girl smiling in front of a table with flowers

Ohio Living Quaker Heights

Experiential Learning Senior Emma Philpot, interns at Ohio Living Quaker Heights. Emma enjoys spending her time in the Memory care unit reading to elderly patients. At Quaker Heights Emma learns and interacts with patients on a daily basis. Emma is planning on attending Ohio University majoring in psychology. 

**Thank you to Experiential Learning senior Alex Dyer for going out on location to take pictures of Experiential Learning students. Alex is interested in digital media and is practicing his skills!

girl smiling in front of a wood wall with a picture

Caesar Creek Animal Clinic

Experiential Learning senior Olyvia Blythe interns at Caesar Creek Animal Clinic. Olyvia helps out the vet techs with all their daily duties. She really enjoys working with animals and is learning all about the animal care industry. Olyvia plans to attend Sinclair for 2 years then transition to Wilmington College. 

girl in front of a blue sign

Orion Physical Therapy

Senior Megan Handle is interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. She is currently shadowing a physical therapist at this location three times a week.  Within our program Megan is exposed to aspects of physical therapy, a field she is interested in as a future career. Megan is also hoping to have other job shadowing experiences next semester within the medical field.


two men in a doctor office

Byer's Chiropractic 

Senior Derek Miller is interested in chiropractic studies when he graduates this Spring. Within our program Derek is gaining first-hand experience with Dr. Byers. He learns the day in and day out of running a private practice, as well as the techniques and medical practices of being a chiropractor. 

boy on a pontoon boat

Taylor's South Shore Marine

Senior Hunter Fillmore is interested in marine technology. Within our program Hunter will be getting hands-on, experience-based learning, that teaches field skills and a conceptual understanding and responsibilities for owning, operating marine watercraft. 

two young men in a boat store

2/5/2020 Update:

Experiential Learning Senior Hunter Fillmore, helps out Salesman Justin at Taylor's South Shore Marine. They were working together moving new boats into the show room and getting them ready to be sold. Hunter interns 4 days a week at Taylor's South Shore Marine. He learns the skills necessary to run a small business, helps out on engine and boat repairs, as well as learns how to store, winterize and move boats around. We are thrilled Hunter enjoys his time here and is learning so much. 

Hunter plans to attend Northern Kentucky University and major in Business, while joining the fishing team. 




girl and a man behind a desk

Waynesville Athletic Department

Senior Ashley Beach is interested in journalism and athletic administration. Within our program Ashley has been working creating athletic schedules, publications, and social media posts as well as working side by side with Ryan Hill on various other duties.

girl in a home decor store

Cobblestone Home Interiors & Gifts

Senior Victoria Wheeland is interested in the program of Interior Design and hopes to be part of the DAP Program at the University of Cincinnati next Fall. Within our program Victoria is gaining first-hand experience while working with Mindy Andrews on carrying out projects within the store such as enhancing the space for new items with special attention to detail and creativity as well as working with customers.

two women in front of decorative wall wings

Waynesville Middle School 

Senior Emma Philpot is interested in journalism and administration. Within our program Emma has been creating school newsletters, publications, and social media posts as well as working side by side with Karyn Phillips, as her mentor, on other various administration duties.

two ladies in front of a class of students

Waynesville Elementary School

Senior Ashtyn Stiles has the opportunity this 2nd semester to intern in a 3rd grade Elementary classroom with Mrs. Becker's class.  Ashley is getting first-hand experience with helping to plan activities, support students individually with their studies, observe different teaching styles and classroom management techniques. Ashtyn plans to pursue her degree in education with a focus on early childhood at Sinclair Community College, then continue onto a 4 year university.  We are excited for this placement and look forward to the continued partnership for our students interested in education!

two girls standing in front of a sign

Bartleigh Janes Salon

Senior Gracie Van Schaik is interested in attending Cosmetology school in the Fall of 2020. Within this program Gracie will be getting hands-on, experience-based learning with owner Leigh McCarty, that teaches field skills and a conceptual understanding and responsibilities for owning, operating and practicing as a cosmetologist.

girl wearing scrubs

Dr. Coleman, DDS, General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Senior Joey Bowman is interested in the Dentistry field, and within this program she will be getting hands-on, experience-based curriculum, that teaches skills and a conceptual understanding and responsibilities of  being in the dentistry field.

boy in a kitchen that's under construction

Ellis Custom Homes

Senior Tanner Fannin is interested in pursuing Architecture and Construction and within this program, he gets hands-on experience that teaches him concepts in the industry.  

boy on a lawn mower

D&D Lawn Pros

Senior Alex Dyer is interested in pursuing business and entrepreneurship.  He plans to attend Sinclair College to start his business degree in the Fall 2020. Within this program Alex is working directly with lawn care professionals, and gaining hands on experience within digital media and web page design to promote the business. 

People standing in front of a building

Caesar Creek State Park 

Senior Adam Wilkerson is interested in attending Hocking College in the Fall of 2020.  Within this program, Adam will be getting hands-on, experience-based curriculum, that teaches field skills and a conceptual understanding and responsibilities for protecting woodlands and conservatories.